I have 4 x2 bed 24hr support homes and 4 self-contained semi-independent living flats with floating support.
Mentor has helped provide a guide to ensure all areas of support needs are being met for each young person we support. It has provided an area to retrieve information quickly when needed. It has created a way for us to measure outcomes and identify areas of success or even where we need to develop. The Software captures everything needed to successfully record the support we provide.
It has enabled me to monitor staff attendance, the ability to capture what has happened in each home as I am unable to be in all the homes at once. It has allowed me easy access to the information of each young person when in professional meetings without the need to carry personal information around. I am able to obtain any information just by logging in. It has allowed us to be paperless and not having personal information in the homes. All documentation can be scanned onto the system under the young persons file. No information is lost due to the backup Mentor technology provides as I can contact the IT team who are able to obtain this.
Mentor is self-explanatory, however, to use it to its full potential having a training day and the helpline has helped.
I found it to be useful, informative and necessary as it was fascinating what it can do.
The staff enjoyed this training and find it easy to gain support, no question is felt silly. Refreshers have been provided for staff who were less confident with using technology due to it being not what they were used to in other organisations. The training has allowed some more confident staff the ability to support others. There is no delay when technical support is needed, they assist instantly and will talk you through things.
I was able to retrieve information I had deleted, the software adapted to suit the need of my service with including parts I thought would benefit.
The setup was super quick and with the service ever growing the set up in each home was almost as I requested it.