Award Winning Software
For Children’s Homes

Mentor is a digitalised platform for Residential Children Services
offering software designed to put the young person at the heart of your care.

Software for children's homes

Young Person Management

Mentor is the perfect tool to help you grow your home, staff and young people. Conveniently structured around the care standards.

Operations Management

Manage your homes from a top down perspective and use the accurate, powerful and customisable operations and manager dashboards.

HR Management

Manage all crucial staff documents and files, contracts and training all within one solution. Now includes a full Rota system.

Health & Safety

Mentor engages your workforce with intuitive Health & Safety recording. Set safety checks across all homes in a click.

About Us

Mentor is a digitalised platform for residential children’s homes, meticulously designed to place the young person at the core of your care. By embedding Quality Standards of care into our operations, we’ve pioneered an innovative approach to data collection within the sector.

Drawing from our wealth of experience in aiding residential children’s homes to achieve top ratings from Ofsted, clients can trust in Mentor software, uniquely developed and guided by social workers and former Ofsted Inspectors, and field-tested in our own children’s services.

As establishments evolve, Mentor offers flexibility, empowering you to customise the software to your exact needs. This includes personalising with your company logos, adapting regulatory forms, and crafting bespoke forms to match your requirements.


  • Registered Manager
    We had an Inspector & her line manager. She said that she preferred Mentor over other software solutions used. Well done Mentor and thank you, the system made our inspection experience with OFSTED so much easier!

    Registered Manager

    Aspire Place Children’s Home
  • Lucille Amoo
    Mentor has helped provide a guide to ensure all areas of our support needs are being met for each young person we support. It has provided an area to retrieve information quickly when needed and has created a way for us to measure outcomes and identify areas of success, even assist where we need to develop. The Software captures everything needed to successfully record the support we provide and has adapted to suit the need of my service

    Lucille Amoo

    16+ Manager, The Church
  • Laura Bergin
    Mentor has been a fundamental asset to our child care business, it provides us with logging, monitoring, insights, reporting, amongst many other features. It’s extremely robust and we could not operate without it, the support always goes above and beyond and cannot be faulted.

    Laura Bergin

    Home Manager
  • Gareth Lancaster
    As a Childrens Home Manager of a large home, Mentor software has been a great asset in helping to run the home. The software makes it easy to have an overview of all the young people on a day to day basis, from appointments to what meetings have taken place. It helps identify areas for staff improvement on recording by easily being able to track work. I can see progress on the young people and the progress is extremely useful to track and see areas for improvement. It runs reports for visual aid for meetings with professionals and the inspector mode makes this very easy to do. I have worked with many online systems and I believe that Mentor is a far better system. I was a sceptic at first, however once I found my way round the system I found this easy to use and very helpful.

    Gareth Lancaster

    Manager, The Oak
  • Renee Askew

    We opened our first Children’s Home in September and this is when Mentor was implemented. Mentor is a professional system tailored completely to the need of a Children‘s Home taking in to account the Quality Standards and Regulations.

    We recently had our first Ofsted Inspection. The Ofsted Inspector logged on to Mentor and was able to use the Inspection Dashboard to navigate the system, they also used the access to full system tab which enabled them to inspect all aspects of recording and reporting.

    We logged them in to the HR section so they could oversee all aspects of recruitment and ensure that safer recruitment had been followed. The Ofsted Inspector appeared comfortable with using the system and had no issues at all. We received a rating of `Good in all areas` following this inspection.

    I have also recently been given a demonstration for Mentor version 2. If I thought Mentor was a good system originally, Version 2 is an updated and improved model. The layout is different allowing for much easier and smoother access to individual young people and homes. There are many updates that will improve recording and the control the RM has over reading and approving daily logs, incidents, keywork sessions etc as they will now be able to un-sign documents and send back for amendments, there is also a cancel option for any documents created in error, both these updates will make such a difference. Improvements to the Leadership section will really support managers in their role and promote more effective recording, reporting and oversight. Directors Dashboard has also been updated and Directors will now have much more information about all their homes and staff from one dashboard.

    In short Version 2 is much improved and if implemented correctly will make a positive difference to any Company and in respect of Ofsted Inspections.

    Renee Askew

    Acorns to Oaks Children’s Care & Support
  • Esther

    The Mentor V.2 system was clear and logical, making it easy to understand whilst embedding the standards into its users. I loved how it captures Young peoples feedback in more than one way.

    The variety of features and data captured gives confidence & compliance can be monitored daily as it caters to individual requirements whether it be YP, staff, management or inspectors.

    A great tool! Excellent Training, peace of mind!!!


  • Ann-Marie Born

    I find the Mentor system to be an invaluable tool that enables me to have oversight of the day-to-day practice in the home. It is easy to navigate especially as it is directly linked to each of the Quality Standards.

    I can see what has been happening with each young person, whether their core documents are up to date and whether these are being followed in their actual care. It also enables me to assess whether staff members are recording accurately and evaluate the quality of their understanding. This further enables responses to be immediate which informs other staff members.

    Information is captured in a way that keeps young people’s information safe and allows them to be empowered to read and comment upon the information . The Inspector mode allows both Regulation 44 visitors and Ofsted inspectors to swiftly access the information they need to but doesn’t preclude them from looking elsewhere in the system if they need too.

    The use of the linked events button not only encourages triangulation but allows it to be seen. I would have welcomed this system when I was an Ofsted inspector.

    Ann-Marie Born

    Strategic Lead
  • Gaz

    Mentor Software, personally having worked with a number of different electronic systems, I have not come across one as easy to use and that helps you track and keep track of evidence and progress. Examples of this is the documents which can be added to after things are signed off to show what work may have taken place after an event, and being able to use this as evidence to go back in and show what work has taken place because of this.

    The leadership mode is brilliant for a manger giving easy oversight on day to day things to be signed off in pending approvals so nothing is missed. Inspector mode I find useful for looking at the day to day management also.

    Running reports whether for a weekly update to send social workers or a yearly comparison on incidents missings or key works can be done in quick time. I can identify pattens in behaviour or improvements in a visual form with graphs should I wish.

    As a manager now I would always prefer to work with this system for its oversight and evidencing, being able to upload videos and pictures as evidence is also great to use.


    Manager - The Oak
  • Beth Massey
    Well I have just found Mentor! What a great system for recording in children’s services!I can honestly say I was very impressed. I spoke with Raj and he was an absolute diamond. Really helpful and took onboard some ideas to adjust/add which they are looking at and have added to their improvements.I had never heard of them. It’s a refreshing change! So many good aspects to it. In comparison to other software solutions, Mentor is better in my opinion.

    Beth Massey

    Children’s Home Professional
  • Tamara Pearcey
     Mentor is a fabulous system which we are using - great tech support and runs with Values that place expert and loving care of children at its core - couldn’t recommend them highly enough. I undertook extensive research to find a system that would capture what was needed and believe this is the best yet!  

    Tamara Pearcey

    Project Delivery Manager
  • Kiran Pooni
    The training provided from Mentor was delivered by Raj Singh and he was extremely helpful and answered all questions put forward by staff. Raj had broken the training into two sections, first part being for the staff team and second part was for the leadership and management section.The home has had the Mentor software since September 2021 and continuing to encourage a new staff team for a new home to use the software had initially been the main challenge. However, once the staff grew confidence on using Mentor they have been able to use each section sufficiently for all recording of the home. The team at Mentor have always been very responsive and extremely helpful.

    Kiran Pooni

    Operations Manager
  • Daniel Crowley- Registered Manager and Director
    Whilst setting up our children’s home we encountered many obstacles and barriers. Finding the right software for our home to support our ethos and allow our adults to have more time with children was paramount. We have now used Mentor for several months and as a new home it has been crucial to helping us build positive, meaningful relationships with the young people we care for. It has given our young people a voice to be heard and allowed our team to focus on achieving positive outcomes for children and young people, taking away the never-ending paperwork. The way the software enables thorough reporting and manager oversight is instrumental into ensuring children and young people are safeguarded and supports us a team to follow the children’s home regulations and standards.

    Daniel Crowley- Registered Manager and Director

    Manty’s House
  • Gaz

    The inspection followed what you would normally expect, from introductions, a walk round and then down to business going over incidents and looking at the ‘so what’ question around what we had done and the impact and where we are now with things.

    The Mentor System came in to its own and demonstrated that if the work is put in and done that evidencing what you have done in one place is very easy to do and find. Ofsted themselves were able to navigate easily and for myself and staff team to be able to push good practice and linked events well for them to see.

    The two Ofsted inspectors gave feedback at the end of the first day and when they had questions around incidents / progress – this gave us the chance to demonstrate, on the Mentor system again, the progress button showed the smallest steps forward by linking things together from key work, activities and pictures as well as knowing young people’s starting points to where they are now.

    This with other contributing factors resulted in a “Good in all areas” to which the team and I are very happy about.


    Home Manager 4 Pure Heart

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