Take your care home to the next level using Mentor. Packed with
features, Mentor is the perfect tool to help you grow your home, staff and young people.
Mentor displays the Young People in a clear and simple dashboard where you are able to complete some simple tasks such as adding quick daily logs, setting attendance and viewing any allergies.
There are also quick actions that allow you to create a new record for things such as key worker sessions or record a medication administration through the MAR sheet. Six of these quick action buttons slots can be customised to almost any form which is specific to each home.

Mentor structures the young person’s record according to the April 2015 Quality Standards. With a system that follows the regulatory framework, Ofsted can view your record-keeping with ease.
As the guidance explains, no children’s home will be able to meet all of a child’s needs on its own. Therefore it is crucial that the home works in close partnership with all those who play a role in protecting and caring for the child. Consequently, Mentor has developed sections of the software for social work, school meetings and personal contact. All other partners in the child’s life can be recorded to build up a strong picture of the quality of care.
Mentor also ensures that users have structure when recording activity within the home. From the ability for young people to sign that they authorise a bedroom search (Guide to the Children’s Homes Regulations) to recording enjoyment activities (including Photo and Video evidence) for the young person. Mentor has a section for everything to make evidencing you and your young people’s achievements easy.
Mentor has a wealth of pre set forms. The incident form allows you to record and incident and then select other significant events that also need recording within the same form by simply selecting them. Toggle on or off safeguarding, physical interventions and injuries. Complete all details in the same form, so no clicking between multiple forms. Record once but cover many areas.

Mentor allows you to document activities with your young people, including uploading Photo and Video evidence. There are separate sections for both Incentives and Pocket Money, so your home never loses track your young person’s financial incentives. The system also includes Targets, to monitor progression, allowing you to clearly evidence what work you are doing to help your young people to where they want to be. This is recorded over time with the progress represented in a chart.
With a very comprehensive medication section, prescriptions can be recorded within Mentor. When medication is administered this can then be recorded against the young person’s record, making medication recording super easy. Customisable Interventions & appointments can be logged along with a body map to evidence any form of accidents or Injuries.

Mentor has spent Meticulous attention to detail on our Protection section. Users have the ability to input and edit Risk assessments and Behaviour support plans, including the ability to create required readings for staff members ensuring everyone in your home has read vital documents for the safeguarding of your Young People.
The system comes with a highly recommended missing from care form including an in-depth risk assessment and planning return section. Mentor also as standard includes:
Police Interventions
This report enables you to Pull all the information inputted in MENTOR which then pre populates the report for you, conclusively saving you a considerable amount of time!

Our unique Inspection Mode allows you and your team to showcase all the hard work and great results achieved throughout the year. Your inspector has their own login which takes them directly to their own dashboard, in a quick and efficient way. If they want to see the whole system, that is an option too.
Mentor puts the Young Person’s Voice at the heart of the system. All areas of the system have a place for the young person’s voice. We also record how the young person is feeling and their comments daily. The Young Person section has an intuitive layout that is simple an appealing to Young People. They can sign off any records and leave comments. Transparency is a key part of a Young Persons time in a care home, so Young People can see all of their records, record a complaint and view their targets and progress.

Mentor allows you to send emails directly from the system to your social workers and professionals, using our built in email system. Your own email details are used on the reply. This evidences clearly what information has been passed on to the relevant authorities.
Mentor has the functionality for users to add and design their own unique forms. Mentor provides the perfect, easy to use solution in building customised forms for your home whether it be therapy forms, questionnaires, feedback forms or statutory compliance across multiple sites of your organisation.

Organising your home is essential, so your comprehensive shift plans make the day-to day running and recording of your home easy. Each shift plan allows you to assign staff members to the shift and create a detailed outlook of the shift ahead. Tasks can be customised in settings and then assigned to staff on shift. There is a separate handover section for each young person, so that the staff have visibility on what has happened with each individual child on the previous shift.
Medication can also be checked and recorded within each shift, making compliance easy.
Mentor includes a Calendar that allows you to see an overview for the day, week or month. The calendar can be filtered by any event in the home. It is fully interactive, utilising drag and drop to move events around with the changes made being reflected in the record. Click on an event to see a summary then view the record if you wish to go further.
A calendar list is also displayed on the home dashboard for a seven day appointment list.

Being paperless means that all your signing in can be done within the system. Staff, guests and professionals can all sign in using either a desktop machine or an iPad/tablet.
Signing in using Mentor means reports can easily be created displaying the activity within your home. Guests are even asked to sign that they have seen the fire procedure, and on signing out they can rate your home and leave a comment – all helpful feedback to improve your organisation.